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What's different about TOBU Fitness?Most online coaching services or "influencers" use the same template for each client - no matter your experience level, age, weight, etc. They're just out there to turn a profit by selling the same program to as many people as possible. But here, each workout program is crafted from scratch and designed completely around your goal, schedule, experience, etc. The latest science-based methods are implemented for each unique goal. Its not enough nowadays to just lift a few times a week and expect results. The all-inclusive coaching takes a look at every detail that can be optimized to fast track you toward your goal.
When can I expect results?As with most things... the answer is "it depends". Some clients see results almost immediate while others naturally take a bit longer. Everyone's body is different, so although we can't give you an exact answer I can guarantee you WILL see results. If you give me your full effort I guarantee I'll give you mine to get results as quick as possible.
What if I'm a complete beginner?Perfect! Working with beginners is best so we can set you on the right track right away. We don't want you to have to waste your time in the vast sea of information out there. Our program will get you squared away from the start and you'll walk away equipped with the foundational knowledge to last a lifetime.
What if I'm more intermediate or advanced?Then this will be the perfect program for you! If you're searching for a program, chances are you're not happy with your current one or at a plateau in your training. We've helped countless clients with years of experience overcome their previous challenges and get results like they've never seen.
How often do I have to workout? How long are the workouts?How open is your schedule? How long do you WANT to workout? We'll use information like this in combination with the methods best for your goals to create the perfect program that works for you.
I don't go to a gym, is this still for me?Yes. No specialized equipment is necessary. All programs are made with the equipment you have in mind. Basic dumbbells, medicine balls, resistance bands, etc. are perfect. Our only exception is if you have NO equipment. We don't create only body-weight programs. Contact us if this is you, we have a solution.
Do you work around injuries?Yes. The most common injuries we see are nagging shoulder, knee, and back pain that people have been dealing with. We’ll not only help you “work around it”, we’ll also give you ways to begin to improve it and prevent it from coming back. The comprehensive movement assessment finds a lot "red flags" that could lead to issues down the line and allows us to address them early. However, this is not a substitute for proper medical attention. If we determine your injury is beyond our scope, we will help refer you to the proper professional.
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